The application period for the Class of 2025 Fellows has closed. If you did not receive an email confirming receipt of your application on October 14, 2024 from SABA Leadership Institute Facilitator Nina Paul, please contact SLI@sabanorthamerica.com.
SABA anticipates that applications for the Class of 2026 will open in early or mid-September 2025.
The SABA Leadership Institute is an innovative leadership program designed to "mind the gap" in leadership development for mid-career attorneys and provide these attorneys with the tools they need to navigate the field and reach the top ranks of the legal profession.
Starting in January 2025, SABA will bring together its fifth fellowship class of diverse mid-career attorneys with 10-15 years of experience. Over the next 8 months, through virtual sessions, these fellows will learn from each other, seasoned SABA attorneys, and experts in the field.
There are many benefits to this program, including:
- The SABA Leadership Institute will be a safe space for frank and honest dialogue on topics important to mid-career attorneys.
- Fellows will have access to monthly leadership development sessions with seasoned SABA attorneys who each have 20+ years of experience.
- Each fellowship class will have peer-to-peer networking opportunities for fellows to discuss the day-to-day challenges and opportunities they face in their careers.
SLI has already made its impact. Fellows from previous classes have made job changes, received promotions, or taken on new roles at work or in their community. They have shared that these changes were inspired by their time in SLI and may not have happened without it.
Applications are due for the Class of 2025 Fellows on September 27, 2024, at 11:59 pm EST.
To apply for the SABA Leadership Institute, click here.
Other important dates to keep in mind for the Class of 2025:
- October 22-25, 2024 - Fellowship candidate interviews (dates subject to change due to interviewer availability)
- By November 25, 2024 - Fellows notified of acceptance
- December 4, 2024 (tentative) - Virtual Welcome Reception
- January 2025 - Class of 2025 sessions begin
The cost of the program is $100 for non-profit and government attorneys, $300 for in-house counsel and attorneys at small law firms, and $500 for attorneys at mid-size to big law firms. No one will be rejected for inability to pay.
For more details, check out our one pager here, or contact Nina Paul, SLI Facilitator, at SLI@sabanorthamerica.com.
Want to learn more? Watch the recording of the panel "SLI: Unpacked" below!

The CCC is a unique program designed to meet the needs of our corporate counsel by providing a forum for addressing the latest trends and issues faced by our corporate counsel.
Each program CCC will focus on a particular theme and feature one or more of the following during the course of the year:
- An intimate Chai Chat discussion with a prominent General Counsel or Chief Legal Officer.
- Highly focused panels on practical areas important to in-house counsel and relevant to corporate environments with a focus on business goals.
- Networking for and among corporate counsel.
For more information on sponsoring or participating in our 2022-2023 Corporate Counsel College, see our sponsorship package HERE!
SABACares was created to provide SABA members with a chance to give back to the South Asian community and the community-at-large. Launched in 2019, SABACares has provided much needed support to community-based organizations supporting the South Asian community across the country. Most recently, our SABACares event at our 2022 Conference was done in partnership with the Afghan Coalition and brought together over 100 SABA attorneys to create 300 personal care kits for Afghan refugees in the Bay Area. We will be live again and will challenge SABA Members to support non-profit organizations providing critical resources to South Asian community members at our 2023 Conference in Boston.
Supporting SABACares can be a valuable way to further your organization’s relationship with SABA. Please see the Sponsorship Packages on Page 18 for details on how to Sponsor SABACares as an à la carte Sponsor, or along with a number of items from our menu of 2022-2023 Events and Programming.
Please contact your SABA Liaison or VP Sponsorship, Sumeet Chugani (sponsorship@sabanorthamerica.com) to discuss these opportunities with us.
SABA Wellness
SABAWellness runs throughout the year and focuses on improving the mental and physical well-being of SABA attorneys. During conference, SABAWellness offers attendees fun and engaging ways to improve their physical health through organized runs, Bollywood Dance, yoga sessions. Outside of conference, SABAWellness will be hosting virtual fitness challenges and highlighting those critical health issues facing the South Asian community. Given the impact COVID-19 has had on mental health, SABAWellness has been focusing on providing the South Asian Bar with tactics and strategies to improve their mental and emotional wellbeing.
In 2022, SABA launched a partnership with Rose Health to provide complimentary resources, classes and concierge support to build resilience and improve wellness for our members across North America.
Joining our SABAWellness initiatives as an attendee or as a Sponsor is a great way to support your attorney teams as individuals, and to better connect to SABA in social settings. Supporting SABAWellness can be a valuable way to further your organization’s relationship with SABA.
Please see the Sponsorship Packages on Page 17 for details on how to Sponsor SABAWellness as an à la carte Sponsor, or along with a number of items from our menu of 2022-2023 Events and Programming. Please contact your SABA Liaison or VP Sponsorship, Sumeet Chugani (sponsorship@sabanorthamerica.com) to discuss these opportunities with us.
SABA Pro Bono Project
Partnering with its sister organization, SABA Foundation, SABA North America has been committed to engaging its attorneys on substantive pro bono work addressing issues facing or that are important to its Members. In 2019, for example, SABA and SABA Foundation teamed up to send Members to the Dilley Detention Center in Dilley, Texas, to represent asylum seekers in immigration proceedings.
Led by SABA Pro Bono Co-Directors, Sucharita Varanasi and Tejas Shah, the SABA Pro Bono Project continues to work on urgent issues. In 2022- 2023, the SABA Pro Bono Project expects to continue to focus efforts on organizing SABA Members to support refugees and immigrants arriving in North America from Afghanistan. The Pro Bono Project will link SABA Members to partnering non-profits across North America with the goal of assisting these affected refugees and immigrants.
Joining our SABA Pro Bono Project as participants or as a Sponsor is a great way to support essential Pro Bono work, and deepen your relationship with SABA.
Please see the Sponsorship Packages on Page 18 for details on how to Sponsor the SABA Pro Bono Project as an à la carte Sponsor, or along with a number of items from our menu of 2022-2023 Events and Programming. Please contact your SABA Liaison or VP Sponsorship, Sumeet Chugani (sponsorship@sabanorthamerica.com) to discuss these opportunities with us.